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Motif – motif Jlamprang atau di Yogyakarta dengan nama Nitik adalah salah satu batik yang cukup popular diproduksi di daerah Krapyak Pekalongan. Batik ini merupakan pengembangan dari motif kain Potola dari India yang berbentuk geometris kadang berbentuk bintang atau mata angin dan menggunakan ranting yang ujungnya berbentuk segi empat. Batik Jlamprang ini diabadikan menjadi salah satu jalan di Pekalongan.
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How to Take Care Batik with Natural Dyes
Batik dyed using natural dyes do fade faster than by using chemical dyes, because of batik with natural dyes do not undergo a process of fixation (locking the color) of the maximum. Batik fabric with natural coloring requires special handling than usual batik cloth. To take care batik cloth with natural dyes, the way include:
Wash your batik cloth by using hair shampoo. Previously, dissolving shampoo first until no more part of jelling. After the new batik cloth dicelupkan.Anda can also use a special detergent soap for batik fabrics on the market. Please note, you also do not need to soak them too long.visit us batik pekalongan
Batik cloth should not be washed using the washing machine. How to wash your batik cloth as this will make the natural color of batik cloth did not last long.
You should also not hang naturally berpewarna batik cloth in the sun langsung.dan nicer if you leave them in an inverted
If you want to give the fragrance and the batik fabric softener, do not spray directly on fabric. Previously, close over first cloth upholstery other better light-colored / plain, just spray the deodorant and fabric softener.
Still with cloth upholstery, you can iron the natural berpewarna batik cloth. Do not iron directly on the fabric because this can affect the color of his motives.
You should also not spray perfume or fragrance oils directly to the fabric or garments made from natural berpewarna batik.
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