Pekalongan City is batik center on the world please visit us in central java indonesia


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business batik helmet

PEKALONGAN - to make batik, that not only can be done in the sheet of cloth. This is evidenced with the batik business digeluti Taufiq Farozi, people Banyuurip Alit Buaran. Through his efforts, to make that can also be done on a helmet casque.

Taufiq said, business batik helmet is already exist since 2 years ago. According to him, in addition to popularize Pekalongan batik and creative ideas mold, business batik helmet is also expected to provide employment opportunities for street children.

Napi male former LP Salemba this claim, his business batik helmet at this time, still not fully able to be developed. This is due to limited capital and labor that is only done for themselves.

In fact, according to him, this business has a market opportunity is large enough. For this he often receive orders from various areas, but sometimes difficult to fulfill orders in large numbers. (Reporter Achwandi noisy)

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