Although there is no official record at the start batik in Pekalongan, but according to estimates batik in Pekalongan have been around 1800. In fact, according to data recorded in Deperindag, batik motif was created in 1802, as a small tree motif shirt material.
However, a significant development after the war is going great in the kingdom of Mataram in 1825-1830 often called the war with the Diponegoro war or Java. With the occurrence of this war and urged the family of the Palace many followers who leave the kingdom. They then spread to the East and West. Then in the region - the area that new family and followers develop batik.
To the east of Yogyakarta and Solo batik perfect batik patterns existing in Mojokerto and Tulungagung to spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. Towards the West is being developed in batik Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Pekalongan and Cirebon. With this migration, the batik Pekalongan that have been previously growing.
Over time, Batik Pekalongan experienced rapid growth compared with other regions. Batik in this area developed around the coastal region, namely in the area of the city and region Pekalongan Buaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo.
Museum Batik Pekalongan
Pekalongan meeting people with various nations such as China, Dutch, Arabic, Indian, Malay and Japanese at the time of past dynamics have been coloring on governance and the color motif batik art.
Accordingly several types of batik patterns influence the results from different countries who became known as the identity of Pekalongan batik. Motif that is batik Jlamprang, inspired from Indian and Arab Affairs. Then Encim batik and Klengenan, hybrid influenced by Chinese. Dutch batik, batik Pagi Sore, and batik Hokokai, growing rapidly since Japan's occupation.
The development of culture techniques in print motif close to the dye using the night (candle) at the top of the cloth called batik, which was then, indeed can not be released from the influence of the countries. This shows the context kelenturan batik from time to time.
Pekalongan batik became very special because bertopang entirely on the hundreds of small entrepreneurs, not the handful of large employers have capital. Since berpuluh years past up to now, most of the production process is done in batik Pekalongan homes. As a result, batik Pekalongan integrates closely with the community life of Pekalongan is now divided into two administrative regions, and the Municipality of Pekalongan Kabupaten Pekalongan.
Development of tidal batik Pekalongan, Pekalongan show to be feasible for the development of the icons of batik in Indonesia. Icon for works of art that never surrendered to the development of the age and always dynamic. Batik is now a breath of daily life and the people of Pekalongan is a superior product. This is due to the many industries which produce batik. Because with the famous product batiknya, Pekalongan, known as BATIK CITY. Nickname came from a tradition that is rooted in the old Pekalongan. During the period that is long, diverse nature, purposes multiformity, type design, and quality of batik is determined by the climate and the presence of local fiber-fiber, historical factors, trade and goodwill in the community understand and accept new ideas.
Batik is the art culture of the world be admired, among multiformity produced with traditional technology dye occupied, no one is able to attend seindah and sehalus Pekalongan batik.
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